Fresh Starts: The Natural Place Med Spa Gives Back with Discounted Tattoo Removal & Jails to Jobs

At The Natural Place Medspa, we believe in the power of transformation and the importance of second chances. That’s why we’re dedicated to giving back to our community, particularly to those striving for a fresh start. We’re proud to announce our discounted tattoo removal program, designed to make a positive impact and support successful re-entry.

We understand that visible tattoos can sometimes create unforeseen challenges, especially for individuals re-entering society after incarceration. Recognizing the hurdles they face in securing employment and building a new life, The Natural Place Medspa is partnering with Jails to Jobs, a vital nonprofit organization.

Jails to Jobs empowers formerly incarcerated individuals by providing essential resources, including workshops, online guidance, and publications like “Seven Steps to Becoming Employed.” Their mission to reduce recidivism through stable employment aligns perfectly with our commitment to community support. We’re honored to contribute to their efforts by offering a significantly discounted rate on tattoo removal services to their clients, and the general public.

This discounted tattoo removal program isn’t exclusive to Jails to Jobs participants. The Natural Place Medspa extends this opportunity to anyone seeking to remove a reminder of the past or eliminate a barrier to their future. Whether it’s a gang-related tattoo, a name, or any unwanted ink, we’re here to help you achieve the fresh start you deserve.

We recognize that the re-entry journey can be arduous. By offering a discounted rate on our tattoo removal services, The Natural Place Medspa aims to alleviate a significant obstacle, enabling individuals to concentrate on building a brighter and more promising future.

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Tuesday - Friday : 9 AM – 3 PM
Saturday: 9 AM – 1 PM
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